Saturday, December 4, 2010

Assignment 4
The photographer that I chose is Trey Ratcliff, who is known for taking HDR photo’s (high dynamic range). It is done by compiling multiple photos with different exposures, using the computer. The outcome is a photo with a greater dynamic range of luminance form brighter to darker shades.   Photo below is by Trey Ratcliff – Another Summer Day in Paris

Image 1 :
 This photo displays the subtlety highlights mid-tones and shadows have together, to make a perfect HDR photo. This photo brings out the shadow details that the rocks casts on each other, as well as the suns lights reflecting from the ocean. Also take notice specifically how well the shadows and highlights combine to bring out the detail in the feather as well as the clouds.
The similarities that these photos have are the source of light that helps define the objects in closer range.

Trey Ratcliff – An Icelandic Horse in the Wild

Image 2 :
 These two photos share the similarities of light hitting the main object being photographed, the details of the statue and the horse. The light is sharpening the image to make it seem more realistic. They both give the sense that you are standing right in from of the statue and the horse.
 Trey Ratcliff

Image 3:

The lighting in these two images is what makes them beautiful. Both photographers have brought out all the highlights, mid-tones and undertones. They have captured the realness of scene, again making you feel like you are there in real life.
 Trey Ratcliff – The Long Alley, Tokyo 

Image 4:

 Using HDR, both photographers have made these images look like they virtual and almost a cartoon. It is hard to believe that they are photos. They have mastered the technique HDR. 
Trey Ratcliff
Image 5:
These two images capture the expression on the people’s faces very well. The way the lighting hits their faces so that you can see every crevice and contour. Even though the outcome of both these photos are different , the same techniques are used. 
It is hard for photographers to capture a scene the way they see it with the naked eye. Pictures will never replace a real vision seen by the eye. When a person is looking at the scene, light travels back and forth, making some areas brighter or darker. People tend to create emotions and feelings when looking at the scene and no camera would be able to capture that image and give that same feeling.  This technique of using high dynamic range tricks the mind in a way so that it may experience more.
